Reading Room

Join Us in Remembering the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

Today marks the third anniversary of the Earthquake and Tsunami triggered Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdowns, that in many ways are an ongoing disaster. Tri-Valley CAREs is joining with colleague groups from around the country and world in sponsoring and publicizing today�s Unplug Nuclear Power event. Together we are asking for a boycott on all grid power today. This is especially important in Northern California where our primary power provider, PG&E, operates the only remaining nuclear power plant online in California, Diablo Canyon. We urge you to participate and you can find out more about it here.

Additionally, today from 3-5PM there will be a demonstration that Tri-Valley CAREs is supporting outside of the Japanese Consulate in San Francisco. There will be short speeches, reading and delivery of a letter to Consul, and then a march to Union Square for a rally and more speakers. The Japanese Consulate is at 50 Fremont, St. in San Francisco. We urge you to join this effort.

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