Reading Room

Report Back from Department of Labor "Town Hall" Meetings for Sick Workers in Livermore

On Tuesday, June 29 the Department of Labor held two "Town Hall" meetings in Livermore to address former workers of Livermore Lab who have been made ill by on the job related exposure to radiation, and/or toxic substances. The DOL wanted to update these workers on recent changes that could affect their eligibility for monetary and health care benefits from the Energy Employee Occupation Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA). On May 10, 2010 a newly expanded Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) for Livermore Lab employees was added to EEOICPA that simplifies the process by which causation is established. Thus, if you worked at LLNL for at least 250 work days between January 1, 1950 through December 31, 1973 and have been diagnosed with one of the 22 cancers on the approved list of cancers, you will be approved for $150,000 and health care coverage (whether you were issued a dosemeter or not).

Representatives from the Department of Energy headquarters attended and spoke about the Departments efforts to search and produce records in for individuals claims. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) had representatives there to speak with individuals about dose reconstruction. (If you do not fit into the SEC you can still obtain benefits if NIOSH is able to reconstruct your radiation dose using your employment records and finds that your disease was "more likely than not" caused by your exposure.) The Livermore Energy Employees Compensation Resource Center had staff there assisting people who were filing claims. The Medical Screening Program for Former Workers was also there informing former workers about their rights to medical screenings.

On August 25th, from 10 AM until noon, Tri-Valley CAREs is facilitating a Sick Worker Support Group Meeting at the Livermore Public Library, 1188 South Livermore Ave. Community Room A. This meeting is for current and former Department of Energy nuclear weapons workers (including employees, contractors and subcontractors) made sick by on-the job exposures. Families and friends are welcome too. Call Scott at Tri-Valley CAREs for more information (925) 443-7148 or email [email protected]

Click here to see the Department of Labor's Slide Presentation.